Thursday, October 15, 2020 - Thursday, October 15, 2020

THURSDAY, OCTOBER 15 FROM 10:00AM- 11:00AM PDT. Hydrogen has emerged as an attractive solution to the decarbonization challenge across the West. As a versatile energy resource with characteristics similar to natural gas, hydrogen has the potential to support decarbonization across a range of end uses, particularly as long-duration energy storage in the electricity sector. To achieve ambitious near-complete economy and electricity sector decarbonization targets, hydrogen must build on existing momentum and continue to realize anticipated cost reductions. At this webinar we will hear about Western considerations for green hydrogen and two important studies examining the role green hydrogen can play to support seasonal energy storage and other multi-sector applications in the West.

Featured speakers:
Maury Galbraith
Executive Director | Western Interstate Energy Board
Alex Morris
Executive Director | California Energy Storage Alliance
Michael Ducker
Vice President, Renewable Fuels | Mitsubishi Power
Dr. Laura Nelson
Executive Director | Green Hydrogen Coalition